Believe in your self - Go lean
...and when the body take a walk and Talk. "Go lean,for a Healthier Body, Mind and Soul"

Believe in your self

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I have designed plenty of weight loss diets in the past 2 weeks but today I'll put them all on hold and give you guys a break from being focused on what your eating and the life style your living.

I would love you all, my dearest weight loss boot campers to stop for sometime, for a few days or for a whole week and think…

Think of the reasons you are doing those different diets, think of your aim from losing all that weight and having a better body. And believe in your self.

One of the most important thing to lose those fats around your waist and around your thigh and stopping you from walking and living the life you dreamed of , is to believe in your self and in your goals. If you don’t believe in them you will be another diet prisoner what they call _a yoyo dieter_ one day you'll lose some weight and once you stop watching your self you gain it once again and doubled.

You don’t want to be a yoyo dieter, do you? Think about it plenty, take a piece of paper and write down your goals and aim from losing this weight, and stick it next to your bed. Read it over and over even thou you know it well…read it with laud voice and high. Then you'll be one of the ambitious people who lost all the excess fat and stayed lean till the rest of their life and they built a healthy generation too.

How do I know that? You might ask, because I was one of them. I lost 25 kilograms of my body weight and fat then I stopped and got fed up and tired, I didn't know what I was working hard for , I started to lose the feeling of losing any more weight and I was ok with being able to wear from the normal sizes (dress size). Yet I wasn’t happy or satisfied with the body I have of the fitness level I reached, I wanted more… I kept trying a diet after the other which made my skin get tired and my metabolism go slow.

I don't want that for you …neither my self... so one day I grabbed a pencil and wrote down the reasons to be healthy and fit, I wanted to be able to wear a swim suit proudly and tuck my shirt in my jeans and be a diva, but this is not all that I want.. I wanted to be healthy, with a healthy heart and alert mind to be able to build and be someone's model.

Write down what you want from a healthy body, add a picture of your self in a swimsuit and put it next to your pillow, believe in your self and remember you are not alone.

Here I am having many more kilos to lose and I am here with you holding your hands and pushing US to lose all those fats, annoying fats. I really do want to be a good mother one day, a healthy one who would be able to play with her kids and take long runs along the beach, I do want to be a good wife were weight would never be an issue in my marriage life, I want to be able to please him and show him the good in me, inside out. And after 20 years from now I want to still be the active healthy kid in the family and never make my parent get scared on my health or worry… encourage your self with similar words, believe in your self because no one will ever makes you believe in you unless you do it first.

There is a hero inside of you and I can see it…so why keep it inside? Show it up, show us your strength.

_ a Flat tummy is my goal, a healthy mind is my aim, and a strong women is my target._

4 Responses to “Believe in your self”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well said, I'm making the diet log keeping blog :o)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well said! I'm making the diet log blog I mentioned in my previous comment in the previous post :o)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    :) Excellent post my dear... although the picture is NOT motivating for me. (I'd rather see Jessica Alba or Gabrielle Reese to remind me and ecourage me TOWARDS what I'm working for.)

    Thanks for your awesome support and all the great research you do on all of our behalves. Guess what? I've got the new magazine stack!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    :) do it girl :) (q8)

    UE :) just for you i'll post their picutres lets see how motivated you will be :) ;) miss you

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